Thursday, August 9, 2012

Tri-Colored Israeli Couscous with Fennel and Roasted Tomatoes

I have always made dishes with small grain couscous until I recently had the opportunity to try Israeli couscous. Being that I have never cooked with fennel either, I decided I would mix up the two!

Couscous is very easy to make. Sometimes to add the flavor of the couscous or most grains, you can either toast the grain before cooking it or in this case, saute it in one tablespoon of olive oil.

Meanwhile, chop the tomato's and garlic cloves in preparation for roasting. Drizzle olive oil over the mix and add sea salt and ground pepper. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees and when ready, roast for 15 minutes.

Fennel, cut all of the stalks off and save for a broth or other flavoring if you like. The bulb is the part you want to deal with. Cut off the very bottom and from here you can peel off the layers and then dice of sliver them. After 15 minutes of the tomato, garlic roast, add the fennel to the mix for another 15 minutes. Add olive oil if you think it doesn't look saturated.

After 30 minutes, remove the roasted vegetables from the oven and let cool. When ready, mix the couscous and mixture together.
Now comes the final touches. Drizzle some more olive oil over this until you see the kernels shine. This should be a small amount. Add some sea salt and pepper. Next, the most important ingredient, honey. Add two to three tablespoons of honey or enough that a spoonful tastes sweet.  Mix all together.
This dish can be served hot or cold. I prefer it cold and it it absolutely delish!

One cup Israeli couscous
1/2 lb tomatoes, any kind
One fennel bulb
Four tbsp olive oil, separated
Salt and pepper to taste
3 tbsp honey

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